So, a few weeks ago I decided to create my personal blog. Nothing fancy, mostly just a place to share the things I do in my nerd time. Conveniently creating this blog is in itself one of the nerdy things I can write about. But I´ll safe that for another day.

This post is meant to introduce myself. I´m a 31-year-old guy born near Freiburg and living in Stuttgart. I like doing and watching sports, hanging out with friends and family, cooking and reading books on my kindle. Between weekends I work as a software engineer for one of the two car companies in this town. I´m a very curious type of guy. I like to dip my toe in new concepts and technologies - be it hardware or software - with a focus on unobstrusive solutions that still upgrade some inconvenient thing in my everyday life. Examples: discreet home automation, a smart mirror or a more beautiful shell for one of my Sonos speakers.

So, as I said initially: nothing fancy. But maybe still interesting for some of you.
